Sunday, March 1, 2009

I've wasted two years of my life on this?!

As I was watching an episode of Bleach, that I taped late Sayurday night, I noticed that it was episode 103. That means I've been watching this show for two years now. It's really not that great. The pacing is god-awfully slow. And the animation is pretty crappy as well. I'm sure you're asking: "If it's that bad, why watch it?" Well, I watch the tape while doing my laundry to kill time and it's worth exactly what I paid for it. Nothing. Besides I've managed to make it this far, so what the hell?
On that note there are two other animes that went on for too long as well. Naruto and Inuyasha. Naruto is widely popular for reasons unknown to me. Sometime ago Cartoon Network showed an all-day Naruto marathon on New Years. After four episodes, I could take no more. This show is AWLFUL! I mean it really fucking sucked!!! It took the art of sucking and raised it to a new level! Inuyasha, I started watching on Adult Swim as new episodes and continued when it re-ran from episode #1. This is a decent show, but after what seemed like a couple of years, I still hadn't seen any episodes twice! How many fucking episodes are there anyways?! Eventualy I gave up on it, because every episode started to look the same. I had no idea where I was in the time line of the show.
I understand that these kind of shows (those with WAY too many episodes) can't be awesome every time. You're going to see some that just plain suck. These episodes are called "fillers". Since it's still tolerable, I'm going to hang in there with Bleach. For now....

Not that any of you care, but I'm taking my flash drive to work tomorrow to load a couple of video players on my computer to watch some of the fansubs I'm going to start bringing in. The other guys get internet access that they can use to kill time, but not me. Since you can only play spider solitare so many times before you're ready go run-down a bunch of Nuns, standing at a bus stop, then blow-up an orphanage, this is how I'm going to deal with the boredom.

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