Good News all around! I saw on Anime News Network that Funimation announced that it had arquired the rights to Strike Witches 2 as well Evangelion 2.0. This awesome news indeed. No word as to when we can expect them to hit the streets. Also, Bandi grabbed K-ON!, another series I'll be looking forward to. Sweet!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
$60 for a Blue Drop dub?
I found out today that section 23(one of the companies to rise from the crash of ADV...) is offering a trade-in for the anime Blue Drop. For $30, I send in my current sub-only discs and, when released, I get a dubbed version back. I opted to do this when they did a Clannad dub, but that was 26 episode, as well as being awesome as hell. Blue Drop is only 13 episodes, which means I'll invest almost $60 for a 13 ep dub. In years past this would've worked. You'd pay $20 a three or four episode disc from a 12-13 episode title. With the way the R1 market has changed soo radicaly since then, I don't think too many folks will be jumping on this. I did like Blue Drop. Fresh artwork, great story and plot, but for that kind of money, I'll be keeping my subbed version. Of course if I wasn't laid off, I might think differently about it......
I got the 'Bu back in autocross trim and I took it for a spin. Such a blast to drive. Changing tires by hand is a lot of work. Even though I have it figured out and can do it fairly fast, I was still sweating my nads off!
By now, I'm sure you know the drill. Here's a double shot of Strike Witches.
I got the 'Bu back in autocross trim and I took it for a spin. Such a blast to drive. Changing tires by hand is a lot of work. Even though I have it figured out and can do it fairly fast, I was still sweating my nads off!
By now, I'm sure you know the drill. Here's a double shot of Strike Witches.
Mmmmm, Lynette....Nom Nom Nom.
Francesca, love thoses blue stripes....
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Only two semesters left.......
Tonight I finished up my "Rigging" class. I got a 93% on the final and a 98% overall. Since starting this program, I've gotten all 4.0's and one 3.5 for an average of 3.92. Nice! I'm down to five classes remaining. Three in the Fall semester, in four short weeks, and two in the Winter. I'm looking forward to getting my certificate and re-entering the workforce in a job that will afford me a decent living.
I bailed on Drift Battle 2010 last sunday. Both the practices I wanted to attend got rained out and I would've paid $50 to basically attend a test-n-tune, because even if all the planets aligned and I managed to qualify for the top 8(icecube in hells chance...), I would've been bounced in the first round easily. And with money being what it is due to my situation, I couldn't justify the expense. So, tomorrow or Friday I'm heading out to the barn to get the car back in autocross trim for the MSU double header in a few weeks.
Depression stopped by for a visit and I can feel lurking around still. It's like that relative you wish would fall off the face of the earth, but you know never will. I HIGHLY recommend you watch Ladies vs. Butlers is you can. Very funny and chock full of delicious fan service.
Don't you just want to lick that ass?......
That's it for now, enjoy the catgirls!

And, what the hell, one non-catgirl.
I bailed on Drift Battle 2010 last sunday. Both the practices I wanted to attend got rained out and I would've paid $50 to basically attend a test-n-tune, because even if all the planets aligned and I managed to qualify for the top 8(icecube in hells chance...), I would've been bounced in the first round easily. And with money being what it is due to my situation, I couldn't justify the expense. So, tomorrow or Friday I'm heading out to the barn to get the car back in autocross trim for the MSU double header in a few weeks.
Depression stopped by for a visit and I can feel lurking around still. It's like that relative you wish would fall off the face of the earth, but you know never will. I HIGHLY recommend you watch Ladies vs. Butlers is you can. Very funny and chock full of delicious fan service.
Don't you just want to lick that ass?......
That's it for now, enjoy the catgirls!

And, what the hell, one non-catgirl.
Look, I know my blogging kinda sucks. I never write anything out before hand, I just get the notion to post up and the stuff just spills from my brain through my fingers, then I slap a couple of catgirl images at the end to try and cover over the fact that I'm not really good at this. Writing out before hand doesn't work, because I can't ever think of anything to write. Like I say, the decision to post comes outta nowhere, I sit down at the computer and start. Were I go or end up I never know. Well, that's not really correct. It always ends with catgirls, right? Just the way anything good should. Obama should end his State of the Union speeches with catgirls too. Epic Win!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Yuri ga suki desu yo..........
I'm cool with "Yuri", which is Japanese for girl-girl love, I think. For the most part, I could take it or leave it. It's like most things, I suppose. When it's done right, it's hot as all hell. When it's not.... well, it's not. I don't recall ever having a fantasy were I interupt and join any lebians who happened to be going at it. All the lesbian live-action porn I've ever seen was obviously acted. It sucked. The nice thing about hand-rendered work is that the subjects desire for one another can be seen. Like these two images. Unfortunately, I don't have any names to give proper credit to the artists who did these AWESOME works.........
There's just something amazingly sexy about two attractive females, who are REALLY into each other(especially thoses first two....), that are about to go at it....... Yes, I said attractive. Do you really want to see a couple of Bull-dykes goin' at it? Yeah, I didn't think so.
There's just something amazingly sexy about two attractive females, who are REALLY into each other(especially thoses first two....), that are about to go at it....... Yes, I said attractive. Do you really want to see a couple of Bull-dykes goin' at it? Yeah, I didn't think so.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Flash! This just in......
Hot off the mail truck, My figures of Ellis from Asobi ni ikuyo! (does the "happy dance"....) Fuuuuuuuuuuuck Yeah! They're awesome, don't 'ya think?
Should you click, it's a big ass image..... And since she's a catgirl, two birds-one stone, 'know what I mean?..... Mother Nature's a BITCH! That skank rained out practice thursday, so now I have to make as much progress next week, weather permiting, as I can despite the fact there will be quite a few drifters there getting ready for Drift Battle 2010. Peace Bitches!
Should you click, it's a big ass image..... And since she's a catgirl, two birds-one stone, 'know what I mean?..... Mother Nature's a BITCH! That skank rained out practice thursday, so now I have to make as much progress next week, weather permiting, as I can despite the fact there will be quite a few drifters there getting ready for Drift Battle 2010. Peace Bitches!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Just a dream, what I go through for you, and Justin Beiber.....
The other day, I'm standing before a mirror looking at my rather nice ass. "Goddamm, that's a great ass! I'm soo lucky." I say. And it REALLY was. The thing about this is,.....that I have no ass. It was a fucking dream. I've been working out fanaticaly for 4-5 years now and have lost quite a bit of weight, but still I have no ass. In the past one couldn't tell where my back ended or my legs started. Everything flowed together. Now that I've joined the ranks of the unemployed, I've stepped up my work out, the result being I can now tell where my legs begin, but it's still a no go for the lower back-to-butt seperation point. I'm fighting a losing battle here. No one in my family has a butt. That's just the way my genetics are. No matter how much I do, I will never have a butt to be proud of. I know, there's more to life than looks. Blah, blah, blah...... Good wisdom, for sure. The reality is that those who are not pretty/hot or handsome have to work a lot harder to get ahead in our society than those who are. Sometimes you can work with what you have and play up you hand to a better one. Other times(like me...) no matter what you do, you're never going to make anything out of the shit hand life has delt you....
All these catgirl images that I post here for no one to look at(let's be honest here, nobody reads this crap. I might as well be preaching to a wall.) I find by scouring the net. Mostly I have two resouces that are quite productive, but I found a third the other day. The images have "tags" assoiciated with them. One of the tags has almost 3000 pages of images associated to it. I've been able to work my way to page 1600-something. It's a tough job, but I'm willing to do it! Here's a sample of what I've found, by Tony Taka:
Finally, I saw a couple of Justin Beiber videos on VH1's Morning Jump, or maybe it was Morning Start?.... Ahh, who gives a fuck, anyways, I felt like I was being sold a bill of goods. Like an Icelander being sold a Miata. In these trying times, rather than assemble a boy band, it feels like they found a kid who could be all five members wrapped up in one fabricated musician, pay one kid instead of five. It felt fake as all hell. Or maybe the creators of this atrocity are trying to rip-off Justin Timberlake. When watching a Timberlake video(It's not something I usually do, I'm NOT a Timberlake fan), you can see that this dude CAN dance AND sing. Beiber, not so much. All the lightning quick editing hides the fact that he can't dance that well. In a day I could learn his moves, seriously. And his voice wasn't all that great. Of course, just like some of Timberlake's, the videos were duets with R&B/Hip-hop/Rap folk. Like whoring him to the public by using the duets with true artists will give him credability. While he might have made a solid addition to a boy band("cute little brother type" would be where I'd cast him), he is misscast as a solo "artist". He's nothing but pop-star in a can. Take one cute kid, sprinkle with heavy studio production and top off with a chessy video. What crap.......
And wrapping up today's rants:Koshka from Usagi-chan de Cue
All these catgirl images that I post here for no one to look at(let's be honest here, nobody reads this crap. I might as well be preaching to a wall.) I find by scouring the net. Mostly I have two resouces that are quite productive, but I found a third the other day. The images have "tags" assoiciated with them. One of the tags has almost 3000 pages of images associated to it. I've been able to work my way to page 1600-something. It's a tough job, but I'm willing to do it! Here's a sample of what I've found, by Tony Taka:
Finally, I saw a couple of Justin Beiber videos on VH1's Morning Jump, or maybe it was Morning Start?.... Ahh, who gives a fuck, anyways, I felt like I was being sold a bill of goods. Like an Icelander being sold a Miata. In these trying times, rather than assemble a boy band, it feels like they found a kid who could be all five members wrapped up in one fabricated musician, pay one kid instead of five. It felt fake as all hell. Or maybe the creators of this atrocity are trying to rip-off Justin Timberlake. When watching a Timberlake video(It's not something I usually do, I'm NOT a Timberlake fan), you can see that this dude CAN dance AND sing. Beiber, not so much. All the lightning quick editing hides the fact that he can't dance that well. In a day I could learn his moves, seriously. And his voice wasn't all that great. Of course, just like some of Timberlake's, the videos were duets with R&B/Hip-hop/Rap folk. Like whoring him to the public by using the duets with true artists will give him credability. While he might have made a solid addition to a boy band("cute little brother type" would be where I'd cast him), he is misscast as a solo "artist". He's nothing but pop-star in a can. Take one cute kid, sprinkle with heavy studio production and top off with a chessy video. What crap.......
And wrapping up today's rants:Koshka from Usagi-chan de Cue
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Nothing new, just another boring day. Car's ready for practice this thurs, provided it doesn't rain.... So, with out further ado, here's Ryouko from Ookani-san shichinin no nakama-tachi.
And here's the usual catgirl fanservice you've come to expect.............
It's Ellis from Asobi ni ikuyo! : Bombshells from the sky. Just in case you were wondering. I wonder what bombshells they're refering to........
And here's the usual catgirl fanservice you've come to expect.............
It's Ellis from Asobi ni ikuyo! : Bombshells from the sky. Just in case you were wondering. I wonder what bombshells they're refering to........
Sunday, July 11, 2010
A picture can say a thousand words, but this one only needs one
It's true, a picture can be worth a thousand words, but this image only needs one. That word is Lonliness. This image is a representaion of my existence. Beyond that, this is exactly what my high school experience was like. I connected with all of one friend, who was two years below me. Those were four dark, lonely years. I often wonder how I managed to survive it. A little damaged and broken, but I did survive.....
Looking at this makes me quite sad. That was such a rough time my heart aches just reliving those memories. See all the kids interacting, having fun? I can remember seeing this very thing and wondering what it must feel like. It felt so alien to me. The girl sitting in the corner all by herself? That's me. Even all these years beyond school this is still what my life is like. I feel soo different from those around me, like I'm on the outside looking in.
People say to live without regret. My life is a long string of regretful events. I regret not being strong enough to be able to open to others. I regret my troublesome psychological and emotional baggage. I fear spending my life alone because of it. Will I ever find someone willing to tough it out until I am able to open up and let her in? Will I ever find someone who is able to see the uniqueness(weirdness?...) as an asset rather than a liability? Now that I'm thoroughly depressed, if you'll excuse me, I think I'm going to go cry myself to sleep.....
Looking at this makes me quite sad. That was such a rough time my heart aches just reliving those memories. See all the kids interacting, having fun? I can remember seeing this very thing and wondering what it must feel like. It felt so alien to me. The girl sitting in the corner all by herself? That's me. Even all these years beyond school this is still what my life is like. I feel soo different from those around me, like I'm on the outside looking in.
People say to live without regret. My life is a long string of regretful events. I regret not being strong enough to be able to open to others. I regret my troublesome psychological and emotional baggage. I fear spending my life alone because of it. Will I ever find someone willing to tough it out until I am able to open up and let her in? Will I ever find someone who is able to see the uniqueness(weirdness?...) as an asset rather than a liability? Now that I'm thoroughly depressed, if you'll excuse me, I think I'm going to go cry myself to sleep.....
Friday, July 9, 2010
Uh oh, alien catgirls......This could be trouble........
I found out today, there's a new show dropping next week. It's called "Asobi ni ikuyo!:Bombshells from the sky". The story revolves around Kio Kakazu, an ordinary high school freshman living in Okinawa. A girl with cat ears appears before him during a memorial service for one of his family ancestors. The girl calls herself Eris and claims she is an alien. Before long, fanatical alien worshippers and a mysterious government agency are in hot pursuit of Eris, but Kio's childhood friend Manami - who wants to follow in her father's footsteps in the CIA - captures Eris. Kio finds himself having to protect Eris from everyone. Did 'ya catch that? An alien catgirl. Fucking epic. This has "Win" written all over it.
Even if this show ends up blowing, (which it won't. For chirsts sake there's a catgirl in it!) I'm watching all 13 episodes regardless. The trailer look like it will have a decent bit of fanservice, or ecchi if you will. While looking for images for this show, I found a place that had a couple of Eris figures already! By the way they look in the pics, they must be Gashapons, figures about 4"-5" tall. This place had the original with orange hair AND another version with blonde. Of course, I bought both and lucky me, they were the only ones they had!
You can see by the watermark, where I bought them from. I should see them by Wendsday, with any luck. I don't know much more than this, but Click here for a link to the trailer on Youtube. A buxom catgirl alien, a solid dose of fanservice (panty shots, jiggly breasts....), happy time are here again....
I just found these at the official website. It seems there will be five alien catgirls. FIVE! Wow....
I just found these at the official website. It seems there will be five alien catgirls. FIVE! Wow....
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
All the crap you don't care about, plus the one thing you do, Catgirl images!
The GVSU autocross went off without a hitch. I managed a third in class (oh well...). It turns out the issue of excessive lateral body travel at US131 was from the panhard bar frame mount having been ripped from the frame. Needless to say, it's back to being a four-link again. I ran the car at GVSU this way and it felt good. Rather than replace the panhard bar mount, I'd probably benefit more from ball joints with longer studs. Cars like mine(G-bodies) suffer from a horrible camber curve and these parts can help rectify it.
Check it out, dude.....
I got my first stipend from the good 'ol US govt' today. Gonna have to do some belt tightening....... At this point there's a very good chance I may not be doing any drifting this year. Bummer. The upside is, I can't break, crash, or bend my car. I also can't kill another clutch. I'm sure I can come up witht the scratch to hit a couple of thursday test-n-tunes, but I'm not sure about Drift Battle.
Ami Kawashima? One of the best things about Toradora. She act kinda bitchy, but I seem to have a thing for her. I think she longs to have a normal high school life like the others enjoy, but her fame and the face she puts on for the public gets in the way. "Come to big papa, Ami-chan. I'll make it ALL better...." Enough of my delisions, here she for you Non-Otakus:
Check it out, dude.....
I got my first stipend from the good 'ol US govt' today. Gonna have to do some belt tightening....... At this point there's a very good chance I may not be doing any drifting this year. Bummer. The upside is, I can't break, crash, or bend my car. I also can't kill another clutch. I'm sure I can come up witht the scratch to hit a couple of thursday test-n-tunes, but I'm not sure about Drift Battle.
Ami Kawashima? One of the best things about Toradora. She act kinda bitchy, but I seem to have a thing for her. I think she longs to have a normal high school life like the others enjoy, but her fame and the face she puts on for the public gets in the way. "Come to big papa, Ami-chan. I'll make it ALL better...." Enough of my delisions, here she for you Non-Otakus:
If you ever get the balls to jump the train to Weirdsville, Elfen Lied is a MUST see! To this day, Probably my number one favorite show. Don't be a fag, you can get it cheap on or ebay.
Cute little Nyuu looks harmless, doesn't she? Well, she is, but her alternate personallity, Lucy would sooner fuck you right up with her vectors(hit the wiki link to find out more...). I'll tell 'ya. That girl racks up an impressive body count.
Okay without further ado, here's what you've put up with this crap for, the catgirls. First is Koshka, from Usagi-chan de Cue. She is the hottest catgirl of all time.
Speaking of catgirls, it's time to wrap this up. Strike Witches season 2, episode 1 is out and I'm dying to see some nekomimi pantsu! Peace!
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