Saturday, October 31, 2009

Merry Christmas to me!!!!!!!

Every Christmas, I buy myself a gift. It's special, because it usually is something I otherwise wouldn't buy. It never goes on a wish list because there sure as hell isn't anyone who'll buy it for me. This year, I'm getting the Lynette Bishop of Strike Witches figure. It's extra awesome because she's one of my favorites from the show. Now if they'd just put out a Francesca Lucchini figure. Why are these two my faves? Well, it's like this. Don't tell anybody, but Lynette's just cool and she wears the standard cotton panties. Francesca because she rocks the striped ones. That's right. I dig panties. I don't wear 'em or anything, I just like 'em. Anyways, enough about my perversions. Here's a photo of the figure. I had to print it off and place it in my collection for the meantime, because it won't be released until january '10

I'm sure you also noticed she's a catgirl?.....

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