I'm going off reservation here, but if you've the stones, you'll survive it. This is an image from 4:20 of the 18th episode of Suzamiya Haruhi no Yuutsu(The Meloncholy of Haruhi Suzamiya). When this splashed across the screen, I had to back up, pause it, and take it in for a few momments(like 2-3 mins.). Have you ever seen a better back side on a high schooler? If you said yes, you're probably lying.....
When I see art from Picaso or whomever, The impressivness of it is lost on me. It's just paint on canvas. THIS image, however, is art to me. While I have a bit of artistic talent, it's very unrefined. With some training, I'm sure I could be better.
The point of the title is, If I could draw this good, I could just create my ideal woman and lose my self in a fanatsy world. I wouldn't have to compete against other guys who have confidence and that all important "game".
I've fallen to sad levels, haven't I? If it was within my grasp, I'd fall for a 2D girl instead of a living, breathing one. Go ahead and say it.....I know I'm pathetic.
you aren't pathedic i feel the same way ^_^! And hey what self respecting hentai fan WOULDN'T go for a cat gjirl over a real girl. But sadly for u and happily for me I have a girl friend and lucky me she is more than willing to dress up like a cat girl for me ^_^. Well i hope you have better luck in the future and hopefully you can get a girlfriend like mine ^_^.
Likeminded catgirl fan
NO WAY! You found a woman who willingly wears a catgirl outfit?! Goddamn, you're lucky!