Monday, February 9, 2009

Is it wrong to enjoy being laid-off?

Goddamn! Week two of my vacation....(cough, cough), I mean lay-off and I'm lovin' it! Another week not having to drive into work with all those fucking morons. Another week not spent freezing my ass off bored out of my mind in the warehouse! I'm soo tempted to call work and see if I can serve the next guys lay-off for him..... It's monday, now, and earlier today My friend and I got the engine back in my car. The only thing I'm lacking is the new radiator and water pump, followed by breaking the new cam in. Unfortunately I'm about $450 short of this goal. We also got the hyd. e-brake bleed out and it feels sweet! I can't wait to try it out.
I watched President Obama's press conference tonight. While he said some things that appealed to me, a lot of it sounded like the same political psycho-babble that every other polititian before him befuddled us with. He talked a good game and it'd be great if he is everything people make him out to be, but after listening to what he said earlier, he sounds more like just another bland product from the washington political machine. Is anyone else tired of the way people jack themselves off over Obama? Especially the press, they're the worst.

Anyways, Rideback ep.4 is ready to go, so as the Japanese say: "Jaa mata ato de!"

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