Thursday, February 26, 2009
The American media has lost its collective mind....
Sunday, February 22, 2009
I don't get this......
Farting on heated seats..........
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Skyline/GT-R - WRX sti - Lancer Evo. Pfft, Whatever!
What got me going on this is on a "cars" forum board at, a member asked what other's favorite car is, the thread poster said she liked Mustangs. One wanker replied, "The Skyline, Blah, blah, blah, blah, will take any Mustang. You know what dumbass? What if the Mustang came with AWD? Would your precious Skyline be really that bad? I think not.
The vehicle that drives my point home is the GMC Syclone. A pick-up with a turbo'd, aftercooled 4.3 V6 mated to an AWD transfer case using standard S-truck 4WD drivetrain. This 'lil monster ground out 280hp & 350 ft.lbs. turning 1/4 mi times of 13.4 sec. A pick-up! Without the AWD, this truck wouldn't of been anything. Could you imagine trying to launch a short-box mini-truck making 350 ft.lbs. of torque! Good luck on that one!
Granted, most, no that's wrong, all of the morons who blindly think these cars are the cats ass are really car posers. By that, I mean they are the kind of person who reads Motor Trend and/or Car & Driver magazines and that is the extent of their knowledge. Not book smart, but magazine dumb. They read these magazines and think they know everything there is to know and they treat it like gospel all meanwhile driving 90 hp Civic. Yeah, you're the man, you Fast n Furious reject......
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Betcha' I'm more weird than you!
Catgirls.....Damn, I love Catgirls! I'm infatuated by them, obssesed with them. To provide a bit of bacground for those of you not in the know, I'm refering to the anime genre of Catgirl. These females are typicaly cute rather than beautiful, but there are, of course, exceptions to this. These girls fall into one of two catagories. First type is a female(obviously...) character wearing a ears and a tail, as though it was part of a costume. For example see Ryomou Shimei in the final episode of "Ikki Tousen: Dragon Destiny". Better yet, in this scene she's wearing a maid outfit with the ears and tail. Bonus points!!!! The second type is a human/feline hybred, a human with fully functioning ears and tail. For example see Koshka in "Usagi-chan de Cue" Wow! Uberhot!
As my interest grew beyond infatuation, bordering on obsession, I've begun to wonder how this came to be. When did it begin? and Why? While totally fictional, the second group appeals to me the most. There's something REALLY cool about a frighteningly cute girl with fully functioning cat ears and tail. Nyaa Baby! Nyaa!
If my memory serves correct, my situation owes its roots to the previously mentioned Koshka from "Usagi-chan de Cue". Koshka was and still is the hottest catgirl I've seen to date. Even better is the fact that she's a type two catgirl!Sometime after seeing this anime I began searching for catgirl figures for my collection and wandering the internet for catgirl images. This led me down the past to where I am today.
As for "why", it's not so cut and dried. Honestly I don't have a clue why. Maybe it's a sign of some sort of insanity, psycosis, or some other mental instability? Could it be a mask for some larger psychologocal issue? Most likely I like it because I do. Maybe I'm just weird like that. This would make the most sense, because the preceeding statement can be applied to every other facet of my life.
My love for Catgirls has reached heights where, if money holds out this year, I'm going to get a "CATGRLS" vanity plate for the drift car. Weird? Yeah, probably. But, then again you should thank me for being weird, because if it wasn't for me, you could've been chossen to be the weird one.
Well Rideback ep.5 is ready and I need to drop a deuce before. So, Jaa mata ato de!
Monday, February 16, 2009
People suck, work's boring, Kanu-sama & Ryomou-sama wa totemo kirei na onna desu!
2. People really do suck. The drive into work today reminded just how true the preceeding statement is. Two weeks away from those doche bags wasn't near long enough! Yes, I'm still bitching how much people CAN'T drive to save thier lives. I'm not going to bore you with examples, because I KNEW this is the way it would go today.
3. Work was just a boring as I suspected it was going to be. To say we were really, really, really fuckin' slow,....would be an understatement. I began to wonder if this whole rolling lay-off thingy is a way to see how the absence of each employee affects the operation of the branch. Hence, who will get the chop when the time comes.....And it will.
Okay, that's enough of this crap for one day. I'd like to type more, but Kurokami is ready to go and I need to get some sleep in preparation of 8 hours of mind-numbing bordom tomorrow. I know I said coming soon my take on religon, but add to that: Oil companies and oil prices. Also, I'll try to sort out my infatuation with catgirls. I'm out!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Where did the time go?......
Saddly I didn't get to watch as much anime as I wanted. I did finish "Kurau: Phantom Memory" and "Venus versus Virus", both rather good series. I made a point to watch "Elfen Lied". That was today for, like, 6 hours. It was AWESOME!!! The show was just as emotionaly impacting as it was the first time I watched it. It does end well, but it was still very sad overall. Having been pretty beaten down by life for most of my 40 years, it takes a lot to make me cry and you'd need both hands to count the times I teared up watching this. It's just that well done. I noticed even the background animation is excellent. In laymans terms, IT'S JUST A FUCKING AWESOME SHOW. It's taken me a few years to get around to watching it again and it was well worth the wait. Well, I'm out. Short post, I know, but it's not like you're paying for this......
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
I'm not like the others.............
Quagmire of my existence
I play the lottery quite a bit and like anyone, I'd REALLY love to hit it big. However, I know that winning the lottery would be bad for me. How can I know this? There is a condition, known as "Hikikomori". According to Wikipedia, the definition is this: "Although there are occasions where the hikikomori may venture outdoors, usually at night to buy food, the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare defines hikikomori as individuals who refuse to leave the house, and isolate themselves from society in their homes for a period exceeding six months. While the degree of the phenomenon varies depending on the individual, some youths remain in isolation for years, or in rare cases, decades." This is what would become of me if I won the lottery. And you know what? I'd love it. While a Japanese issue for the most part, being a Hikikomori, I see a lot of the traits of this condition in myself. I'm not saying it's any kind of medical condition, I'm simply using "condition" for my own reference to it. If it wern't for needing to work, in order to pay bills, I'd never go outside. Not in the day anyways. When I go to the store or run errands, I prefer to go early or late, when there's far fewer people around.
Dealing with people brings me untold amounts of stress and anxiety. I prefer the saftey and comfort bottled up inside the house. I believe a lot of this manifests itself from the caustic mix of low(low? try non-existent) self-esteem, shyness, being very reserved, along with Depression. Leaving me full of self-loathing and feeling like I don't belong and don't deserve to. I don't mention any of this to my family, because they've enough on their own plates. I know they would drop what they're doing to help me, but I don't want to trouble them. This is the way I've always done things. Not wanting to be a bother, not wanting to inconvienince others. Prefering to try to deal with it on my own(more like ignoring). On the other hand, this very behavior is probably why I've become such an emotional and pschycological(?) train wreck.
One might think that others would surely see signs of my suffering. Maybe with others, but I'm too smart for my own good. Over the years I've developed the ability to "fly below the radar". I've been like this for so long that others see this facade I put on as who I really am. You know, smiling on the outside, but dying on the inside.
Some years ago, I had a brush with suicide. As much as reliving that momment scares me, I think that one day it will win out in the end. I can clearly envision the day when I will get up one day and ,simply, not want to do this anymore. The only thing that keeps me believing in God, is my desire for there to really be an afterlife and it has to be better than being here.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Is it wrong to enjoy being laid-off?
I watched President Obama's press conference tonight. While he said some things that appealed to me, a lot of it sounded like the same political psycho-babble that every other polititian before him befuddled us with. He talked a good game and it'd be great if he is everything people make him out to be, but after listening to what he said earlier, he sounds more like just another bland product from the washington political machine. Is anyone else tired of the way people jack themselves off over Obama? Especially the press, they're the worst.
Anyways, Rideback ep.4 is ready to go, so as the Japanese say: "Jaa mata ato de!"
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Gonna be gettin' my dork on....
I think a big reason why I've gotten into watching soo much anime, is that in most shows I've come across a character, or sometimes, multiple characters who I can relate to. The one I relate to the most is Shinji Akari from Neon Genisis Evangelion. The show was awesome, but there were times I found VERY difficult to watch. It hit soo close to home. It was like watching my life on TV. For someone so reserved and private as myself, it was kinda hard to handle. Really freaky shit.
I tend to be drawn to "Harem" anime as well. This is where a male lead ends up surrounded by, often hot and/or cute, female characters who just adore the guy. Alot of times the females dote over the male and can act subservant as well. I think detractors of this genre think people who watch like the aspect of being surrounded by a bunch of female slaves. Not me, though. I don't want a harem of female slaves, I just wish I had someone who viewed me as that important to themselves. The women are never bothered by the guys weird, odd, unusual behavior or interests; they see beyond those things, to the person he really is.... Unlike real people. Well I'm going to stop here as I sense the mood of this post is about to head in a direction I don't feel like dealing with today. Hell, I'm on vacation here! Who wants to bummed out thinking about how lonely it feels being left out of life because you're so different from others.
Monday, February 2, 2009
What a pain in the ass............
Coming soon: My take on organized religon!(this is gonna get ugly!)