Wednesday, January 21, 2009

School Bus,......I hate you.

Hey, School bus!, .....You suck! and I'll tell you why. You're slow and I have to stop for you, so you can pick up the very idiots that will lead to the continued ruination of our country(generalization about school kids, I know. Deal with it....). Also, you disrupt traffic flow. I'm grooving on my way to work, making good time, when BAM! Out of nowhere your worthless ass shows up and stops traffic. You mother f**ker!, I could've made the next three lights and saved myself almost 10 minutes of drive time, if it weren't for you. You worthless piece of sh*t. I hate seeing you in my field of vision. If it were up to me, I'd axe the budget for busing all together. Parents would then have to haul their demon spawn to school. This way they'd have so much more to do in the morning before work, they'd be flying down the roads, racing to get the kiddies to school. WAY faster than any bus could do it. Hell, they'd probably be going faster than me! Another reason for my "love" of them is that the school bus is a reminder of the worst days in my life. I hated school and everything associated with it. I hated ridding the bus and having be sit with those cumstains I went to school with. They could've all been killed in an accident and I wouldn't come close to shedding a tear. Good f**king ridance. I walked the 1.5 miles to school year round. Rain, snow, blazing heat, I didn't care. I wasn't on that f**king bus. Besides it was exercise and I still got home earlier than if I'd rode the bus. So, in conclusion, I hate f**kin' hate school buses. May Godzilla eat them all as an iron suppliment........

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