Thursday, January 29, 2009 was bound to happen....

I know what I'm doing for the next two weeks. Nothing. Except watching a hell of a lot of anime. See, my place of work is implementing a two week rolling layoff. And I'm up first, starting this monday. Sure it sucks, but it's only two weeks. Way better than indeffinately, though. I've alot of reading to catch up on as well as the model, two postings previous. I work for a building trade supply house and with the dead housing and construction market, it was only a matter of time before something like this happened. This rolling layoff is being done company wide as a one time deal, for now...... The head hanchoes will crunch the numbers in a month when all is said and done and determine if any more needs to be done. The upside to this is not having to freeze my arse off in the warehouse, or freeze during the drive in with all the stupid fucking idiots that accompany me on my drive in(goddamn you people suck, you take sucking to a new fuckin poofters). I can get up, turn off the alarms and ....go back to a warm bed. I'm told that I can file for unemployment so my finances won't have to take a metaforical kick to the nuts. I'm sure after these two weeks, I'll be ready to get back to work....maybe. Of course if I happen to win the lottery, I won't be back ever.....

Monday, January 26, 2009

Fan Subs.....

Most of the anime I watch lately has been fansubs. There has been alot of debate as of late about them. Some say it's illegal and killing the R1 market, while others have no problem downloading. Me, I'm in the second group, and I'll tell 'ya why. While it is techincally illegal, I get past that issue, on the basis that you never know what's going to be released here. One exapmle is Usagi-chan de Cue. A great show chock full of comedy and fanservice. It's 3 episodes in length and because of this as well as the nudity in it, it's highly unlikely to ever be released in the R1 market(north american). By downloading this, I'm not doing any financial damage to any Japanese company, being that it's not available here anyways. Most of the people who do download would never buy the show in the first place. There are, of course, a few exceptions. I as well as a few others do buy the shows that are released here. It's my way of justifying the downloading. This way the company that licensed it will, at least get my money for their trouble. I'm not trying to justify it, merely explain why I do it.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

You envy my existence, Don't you?....Come on admit it.

So, it's saturday and I'm doing all of nothing. Except for painting a model. Yes, a model. What kind of model you ask? Well...... It's a catgirl figure model. Ta-Da! Big shocker huh? It's really an involved process, doing something like this. Hey! Quit fuckin' laughing! It really is! You have to prep the pieces(clean off any flashing, sand them smooth, fill imperfections), Decide what colors to use. When you can't find the ones you envision, you have to figure out what shade and tone you what , because now you have to mix colors together. Next you have to carefully drill holes in the pieces to mount them on toothpicks(makes it easier to handle them when painting) and then find styrofoam or some equivalent to hold the mounted pieces in while they dry. A Catgirl model........ It really is no suprise why I'm still single at this stage of my life and why I'll probably be alone for the duration of it. Those happy thoughts aside, looking at the pieces mounted and staged in the holder looks really macabe, these body parts impailed on little wooden stakes. Later I'll probably read a bit, watch some anime, and pull the dead battery from my car and try to get it to re-charge. WEEEE, never a dull momment around me!

Friday, January 23, 2009

UAW auto workers.....

I used to joke about how ridiculous it is for some dude to get paid $20+ an hour to bolt wheels on a car with a counter balanced machine. I was being factitious. Little did I know, I was in fact correct. I was watching a show on Natl. Geographic TV on super factories. This one was of the Corvette plant in Bowling Green KY. Check this crap out! The tire comes down an automated conveyor and is deposited on this cart. The worker rolls the cart to the car and using air power adjusts the height, then slides the tire onto the hub. Following this step he uses a, get this, COUNTER BALANCED machine to bolt the fucking thing on! This fella is doing a job any dumbass fresh out of high school could do. And he's making stupid money at it. Is it really any wonder all our manufacturing jobs have left America?????? Why the hell does a job like this pay this much???!!! It's fucking stupid! Just another reason why the big three are in such trouble. If they'd stood up the the union and told the to go fuck themselves. They wouldn't be in this situation. But in times past when things were going well and business was booming, they cowed down to the unions and gave them pretty much whatever they wanted. You may be thinking: "What the hell do you know, dumbass!" My response: Go fuck yourself. I've had the mis-fortune to visit GM plants for the company I work for. I always dread it. What a bunch of grumpy, unhappy, mean bastards. I make WAY less money, have a fraction of the benefits they do, but have four times better an attitude. I show up with a smile and pleasant attitude, these fuckers look like some one just farted in their Cherrios. Unions did and still do have their place even today. but the UAW is killing our country. I need to clarify one thing. I'm dissing line workers here. Not skilled trades. I couldn't fix a robotic assembly machine, but I sure as hell could bolt a wheel on a car.
I could go on and on here about all the crap the union got away with. How about the job bank? What a load of shit that is. No work? GM will pay you to stay home! That's not the reality for the other 99% of us. You don't work, you don't get paid. Michigan is a great example of what's wrong with the UAW. How come no new auto plants are built in MI? Because the union here is impossible to deal with. They're seen as mean, unfriendly thugs. I don't care how large a tax incentive you dangle in front of auto makers. They ain't building shit here because of the unions. Simple as that. They're just unpleasant to deal with. The unions must not understand that the company doesn't exist for the purpose of supplying jobs to people. It exists to provide a service or product in exchange for money with the end goal of generating a profit for the owners or shareholders. Of course in all of this, the executives share some blame as well for the financial woes the auto industry is exeriencing. I belive all this cash they get paid(ridiculous sums to begin with....) should be tied to company performance.
I'm not jelous that I don't have a cushy job like that( don't deny it. making that kind of money for such menial labor is cushy. Don't like it? Go pound sand up your ass). Don't get me wrong, it's good work if you can get it. I wouldn't want to do line work, it'd dive me nuts. But it's still not $20 an hour work.....

Thursday, January 22, 2009


That's right. I said nigger, and get this I'm white! Okay, that said, before you get your panties in a wad and run off to call one of those two moronic self-serving, self-appointed leaders of the black community, Rev. Al Sharpton or the even more useless, Jesse Jackson, READ THE WHOLE GODDAMN POST!......... Why do blacks get in such an uproar over a word!? It's just a f**king word! You can call me anything in the known english language and you won't see me rounding up a possie to go looting and burning sh*t down. I goggled my ass off looking for a slur that would piss me off as much as "nigger" pisses of blacks. Guess what? I failed. In fact, 99% of them were funny! Some of you are probably thinking: " Dumbass, you're not black, you wouldn't understand...". You'd be right. I don't understand why a word, just a word, can cause soo much greif. This is all the fault of the blacks. Only they can make this word hurtful to themselves. Not whitey! The proof is this: Look at all the racial slurs for whites. Not a single one of them will bother whites(there are of course exceptions. A black calls a white supremasist anything and ugliness will ensue....). Why? Because we don't give a f**k what anyone thinks about us, that's why! It's just a word! Nothing more! To us "Cracker" is no more hurtful than.... "Desk". You're going to have to do something more than call a white person a name, if you're going to get a rise out of them. Because that word means nothing to us, we're not going to make a deal out of it. It's not worth wasting time on. For what ever reason blacks have allowed this one word to hold some sort of power over themselves. The only reason "nigger" is used is because it angers blacks. To us the word really has no significance. So, Grow the f**k up and move beyond it. Remember...IT'S JUST A WORD! JUST LIKE "TELEPHONE" IS. Should your panties are still in a wad, before you go call one of those two previously mentioned fools, try shooting yourself in the head first. If we're lucky(we being all ethnicities....), you'll kill yourself, which would be a good thing, because the world would be a better place without you.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Useless drivers

It's almost more than a man can take, dealing with the constant barage of idiot drivers. Every day they get in their cars and: turn into sheep, blindly following the douchebag in front of them, get on the phone, put on makeup, etc, etc.... Did you know that left lane is for PASSING? or TURNING? If not, get the f**k over you f**kwad!Why the hell does one asshole drive along in the left lane, not passing or turning and every other asshole just lines up behind the first one like sheep?! Alot of the problem is people don't see the big picture, they think of only themselves. The trick is to pull out of line(yes, i'm talking of passing on the right), pull along side of the first ass, lightly honk your horn, and when he/she looks over, give 'em the finger along with a big smile, then speed off. Come on! Driving a car is soo easy. That said why do so many people suck at it? I don't care if you want to blab on the phone, spackle on your make up, touch yourself, whatever, just get the hell over, you asshole, you're holding the rest of us up. Don't be such an inconsiderate prick! At some NASCAR races they talk about a move called the "bump and run". It involves bumping the car in front of you out of the way then continuing on. I'd like to see this move legalized for use on public streets. One thing for sure is the curbs on my way to work would be lined with lots of dumbasses that I'd put there. Finally, in the words of Henry Rollins, in reference to you worthless drivers:"You should mow my lawn and pay me $2 an hour, because you suck and should be destroyed". Now go F**k off!

School Bus,......I hate you.

Hey, School bus!, .....You suck! and I'll tell you why. You're slow and I have to stop for you, so you can pick up the very idiots that will lead to the continued ruination of our country(generalization about school kids, I know. Deal with it....). Also, you disrupt traffic flow. I'm grooving on my way to work, making good time, when BAM! Out of nowhere your worthless ass shows up and stops traffic. You mother f**ker!, I could've made the next three lights and saved myself almost 10 minutes of drive time, if it weren't for you. You worthless piece of sh*t. I hate seeing you in my field of vision. If it were up to me, I'd axe the budget for busing all together. Parents would then have to haul their demon spawn to school. This way they'd have so much more to do in the morning before work, they'd be flying down the roads, racing to get the kiddies to school. WAY faster than any bus could do it. Hell, they'd probably be going faster than me! Another reason for my "love" of them is that the school bus is a reminder of the worst days in my life. I hated school and everything associated with it. I hated ridding the bus and having be sit with those cumstains I went to school with. They could've all been killed in an accident and I wouldn't come close to shedding a tear. Good f**king ridance. I walked the 1.5 miles to school year round. Rain, snow, blazing heat, I didn't care. I wasn't on that f**king bus. Besides it was exercise and I still got home earlier than if I'd rode the bus. So, in conclusion, I hate f**kin' hate school buses. May Godzilla eat them all as an iron suppliment........