Probably my favorite show this winter season is Freezing. The run-down from ANN: "Set in a slightly futuristic world where Earth has been invaded and is at war with aliens from another dimension called the Nova, the story follows the adventures of a Japanese boy named Kazuya Aoi who enrolls for training at a special school for genetically modified girls called Pandoras who battle the aliens, and their male partners, called Limiters, who use a special power called "freezing" to limit their opponent's mobility. The protagonist makes the acquaintance of an unusual older girl named Bridgette L. Satellizer who appears to be the most powerful Pandora in her class, but has not yet chosen a male partner to be her Limiter, and in spite of the warnings of all his friends, he decides to be her Limiter." It's got a decent story line, engaging action, plenty of strong female characters, a male lead who isn't a total nitwit(although he displays some rather poor decisions....), and of course I approve of the fan service.
The female lead, Ms. Satellizer:
I started the 'Bu saturday and while it was miserably cold, it was okay because I love to listen to my car. It was a drag just sitting there on my trailer instead of driving it. I hope to get back into the workforce by the end of Febuary, being that unemployment sucks and I have only one class this semester, so time isn't an issue. I also want to get some drifitng in this year.
Okay, it's catgirl time!
Okay sweetie, let me finish this and I'll be right there, okay?.........Hahahaha, me and my delusions............
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