Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Autocross vid, "Fast and Furious" movie and...well, a catgirl image. Duh....

After almost two days dicking around with my video editing software, I finally figured out how to use it to make a decent video. I'm pretty happy with theresults, but I definately need more time with it. I'm sorta new at this embed crap but here goes....

Here's my buddys runs in my car...

I just finished watching fourth Fast and Furious movie. It had some pretty good action scenes and a lot of the car stuff was blatently CGI. There were a couple of parts that were soo predictable, I said the line before the actors did. And then the part about Dom being busted out at the end came as no suprise. At least I never heard the word "Noss" used. Stupid. Noss, who really calls it that? No one who knows anything about cars, that's who.....

I'm gonna cut to the chase. Here's the obligatory catgirl image. Enjoy!

And another for good measure.

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