Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Autocross vid, "Fast and Furious" movie and...well, a catgirl image. Duh....

After almost two days dicking around with my video editing software, I finally figured out how to use it to make a decent video. I'm pretty happy with theresults, but I definately need more time with it. I'm sorta new at this embed crap but here goes....

Here's my buddys runs in my car...

I just finished watching fourth Fast and Furious movie. It had some pretty good action scenes and a lot of the car stuff was blatently CGI. There were a couple of parts that were soo predictable, I said the line before the actors did. And then the part about Dom being busted out at the end came as no suprise. At least I never heard the word "Noss" used. Stupid. Noss, who really calls it that? No one who knows anything about cars, that's who.....

I'm gonna cut to the chase. Here's the obligatory catgirl image. Enjoy!

And another for good measure.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

US131 autocross wrap-up

Had a blast. Got really soaked. Had my class won by a second until I hit a cone which earned me a two second penalty........ Car was flawless. Fast course allowed me to get into second gear for the first time. This really helped my times. Both of us wiped out a couple times each due to the water on the course from the rain and trying too hard.
When we worked, it became obvious to me that some drivers just need work at this or are trying too hard. I drive too hard, but I keep my stuff on course, I'm not runnin' down cones like they were dead babies, the way some drivers do. Then there's the guy with the SM class Subaru WRX. This car's a fucking rocket. The dude has spent some pretty coin on it and he knows how to drive it. This dude was 15 seconds faster than me. 15! He usually seems to lay down fast time whenever he runs. To make it so someone else has a shot at the overall best time, he should have to drag a loader tire behind him from now on. But even then, he'll probably still be faster than me...... Then after the event was over, someone came on the radio and asked that the cones be collected into stacks of 10 to 15. No prob, my buddy and I start stacking cones from the area we were working and the douches at the far end of the track just walked off. Fire extingusher, flag, cones, just left everything. One of them was even too damn lazy to put the water bottle in the trash can that WAS RIGHT NEXT TO THEM!!! Wankers, I hope a pole cat craps in their sneakers. I'm going to edit up the video and get it on the 'net monday sometime. If I can learn how to imbed video maybe I'll post it up here... 

You know what's coming now, don't you?..... you all got here by yourselves, got up and dressed yourself today, didn't you? You're smart. At least reasonably intelligent, right? Otherwise you wouldn't be here, because only cool smart people come here.......

That's all for now. I'll post up the video tomorrow.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

US131 autocross rnd. 1 and Omamori Himari.

We're all ready and set for tomorrows run @ US131. My buddies car decided to cop an attitude after we worked on it earlier in the week, so we're taking just my car and we're going to double enter it. It's gonna be sweet, despite the heat and poss. rain. Next saturday, We'll try to convince it to "pull its head from its ass" and quit acting like a Ford.....

For what ever reason, I've been re-watching Omamori Himari. In episode 3 Himari starts work in a maid-cafe.

I forgot to mention she's rockin' her cat ears and tail, didn't I?
At the end of the episode, these three wake Yuto in the morning. If I could only be so lucky......
Ya' know? as long as it was Himari, I could manage without the Loli and the childhood freind cutie......

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Geez, don't make it too hard.....

Today, I went and had my "printed page" authenticated at the unemp. office. Just walked in, was handed a piece of paper for them to stamp, signifying that I'd been authenticated, once I logged on the their website and clicked "quick update", got said stamp, and walked out. Very easy process. If only finding a job for all the people that were there was that easy....... Ah.... 'ya gotta love michigans dead economy.
No class tonight, instructor's on vacation. Going to 'ma Homies crib tomorrow to finish getting his car ready for sunday. Weak post, I know. It's not you're paying for this....
And now, for your perusal: (hint, there may just be a catgirl somewhere....)

Excellent work by Kamiya Tomoe, because she's Japanese I wonder if it could be Tomoe Kamiya......

Peace i'm out!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Three-link conv, Clannad, Lynette Bishop, misc stuff

I got the three-link conversion done on the Malibu last week. It only took two days to do..... Nothing went the way I'd liked it to go the first day. US131 autocross this weekend! I'll find out if it helped at all. I think it will at a fast course like this one. Check it out.

I also got the Clannad dvd, with new dub track Saturday! I've watched four episodes so far and approve! Some the girls voices sound a bit mature for high schoolers, but it's a minor detail. I should see Toradora Tuesday?.... Filing for Unemp Monday. I heard someone call it "being on the Granholm Vacation". Funny stuff!

And now it's time for Lynette Bishop of Strike Witches in her undies.

Only one Rigging class this week. It's actually a cool class. We get to operate this big-ass 20 ton crane. Pretty fucking neat. Trying to get my buddies car ready for the autocross. Constant carb issues. We've even tried different carbs(working on getting third one on now.....), with little success. If this doesn't do the trick,..... I don't know what to do.....

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hot Android image.......

Here's one by Takuteks. The website it found it at led me to believe it to be a group rather than an artist. And we all know what a fountain of truth the internet is.... For reasons I've been unable to come up with, I'm captivated by her. Obviously, she's very beautiful, especialy her back side!, but there's something about the look on her face and the way she's holding her hands that I can't get through. AArrgghh! There's soo much about this that I just can't look away from that I'll probably never figure it out. I went ahead and printed out a copy, attatched it to my dry-erase board and have looked at it at length to no avail. Oh well. It's not like it really means anything. Maybe like the catgirl thing, I have a liking for hot Androids......

As always, click for the big version.
Tomorrow, I'm off to help my brother get his roundy-rounder back on track after skattering another engine last weekend.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Free time, Eva 2.22

Well, I only had to do the jury thing one day and spent the rest of my first week laid-off doing a whole lot of nothing. I have continued to chip away at completeing the pocket door, but that's pretty much it. I'm getting cashed out on myvacation days from work, so I have another check coming intwo weeks. This means that I'm on vacation for the next two weeks, then I can file for unemp. Honestly,it's been really nice. The days sort of run together and I forget what day it is. I'm quite happy. Class starts this next monday. So at least my monday and wendensday eves will be occupied.......
I watched Evangelion 2.22 last night. I was going to round up pizza and pop for the event, but decided not to. Good thing, while the movie WAS good, somewhere along the line, I developed high expectations of it. Which it didn't meet. Yes, this means I downloaded it. Now before you write your senator,just like Eva 1.1, I will buy the R1 dub when Bandai releases it in 2013(if we're lucky....). I REALLY dig Mari. "Cute bad-ass" is how I'd describe her. I loved the way she got off on how physically demanding piloting an Eva is. While Shinji squeals like a stuck pig, Mari just blows it off and charges on. I look forward the the third movie in the hopes that we get to find out more about her.

She's even shown here as a catgirl no less! Sorta keeping with the theme, ya know?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

"Hit that shit"

"Hit that shit". "Smack that ass". Terms one usually hears in reference to engaging in sexual acts with women. Because these terms personify sexual gratification through implied violence against women, they were clearly made up by rappers. You know how they love them bitches.......

Cliff notes on jury duty. After watching the Attorneys and the Prosecuter excuse potential jurors for better than 4-1/2 hours, I finally got seated. Only to be promptly excused. Probably because I'm intelligent, well spoken and articulate. As well as being a middle aged white male from the 'Burbs, who would've sat in judgement of two black youths who were up for some pretty serious charges. Also, people are incredibly fucking stupid. When the legal teams would ask questions of jurors, everytime a new one was seated, some of them went in to great detail when answering. Even when a simple yes, no, or short sentence would've suficed. It took for ever. We listened to the same question for 4+ hours, being asked of all the potential jurors, and some of these rocket scientists would blank out when asked the same questions. I wanted to smack them up side their head and scream at them: "WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN DOING FOR THE LAST 4-1/2 HOURS, YOU DUMBASS! THE INSTRUCTION AT THE BEGINING OF THIS WERE FOR YOU TO LISTEN TO THE QUESTIONS BEING ASKED UP THERE! IT'S TOO EASY A THING TO DO, WHY ARE THE FUCK YOU ARE SOO STUPID?!" I was hoping to be called up so I could put a stop to all the stupid Mo-Fo's that came before me. I just wanted to get it over with, be I seated or excused,  so I could get something to eat. I was freakin' hungry! I realized the whole point of excusing jurors is to try and tip the jury in your favor, demigraphicaly speaking, and these two dudes were facing serious trouble, but FUCK! Would it have killed them to let us grab something from the vending machines? Anyways, I only have to dodge friday at this point, but I should be good. Because it's quite rare to seat a jury on friday.

Yet another catgirl image. You didn't see that coming, now did you?