Saturday, November 21, 2009


Its been a few weeks since the Car Craft came out and it's interesting how many people have seen and know it's my car in it. One of the subscribers of my youtube videos left a comment on my latest video stating that he thought he saw my car in the magazine and another fella replied that he thought that looked like my car as well. On a G-body website I frequent, I posted up a thread about the video and there were a few people who commented about seeing me in the magazine there as well. It's just neat to hear from people, who don't know me and have never met me(other than seeing the small pic of my car drifting in my signature), to say "Hey! I saw your car in Car Craft magazine! Congrats!". On top of all that my Uncle called to ask my Mom if it was me in the magazine. He had seen it while waiting to meet my Aunt for lunch. My Mom couldn't ever remember getting a call from him. 'Puts a smile on my face........
School is coming to a close. Finally. My welding class wraps up next Tues and I'll have my electrical done tomorrow afternoon, when I take the last part of the final. I haven't really been trying that hard, but there are students working on labs that I finished a month ago. What have they been doing all this time? I'm pulling three classes, working full-time and I'm going to finish three weeks early. Whatever, it's not my problem. I'm looking forward to next semester(kind of...). I'm taking four classes, going five nights a week. I think I'm gonna have my work cut out for me, but I think I'll be able to pull the load.

Some more Kamiya Tomoe stuff:

Becaue of her tail, I'm not sure she's a catgirl, but looking like she does, who the hell cares?.........

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