Sunday, September 14, 2014

Will there really be a payoff at the end of this?.....

Goddamn, it's been over a year since my last post. I've come to terms with my job. That and they pay for schooling. For whatever an employee wants to take. So, I'm back at school again (big sigh...) in pursuit of an IT degree. It's only the second semester and at this point I wonder if I can keep this up, working full time and taking 12+ credits per. It's an insane grind. What if, like the wind turbine stuff, I get through the program and can't get a job? Was all this for nothing? Will it be time to accept the fact I'm a failure and trying to better myself is a waste of time and effort?
All while I'm trying to keep my life on course, I'm planning on buying a house in the next 4-6 months. As if I don't need something else placing more pressure on myself.
I had four resolutions for this year
1. Buy a NEW car trailer.
2. Loose all the weight I put on last year.
3. Pay off the rest of my debt.
4. Buy a house.
Four months left in the year, the only thing I've accomplished thus far is buying the trailer. Debt progress has been slow and the house thing, I don't know. And instead of loosing weight, I'm still gaining. IDK, I guess I'm just ranting here, venting. Suicidal Tendencies sang "85% of life is what you make of it. So, if your life sucks, you suck". Apparently, I suck. Good to know. No catgirl stuff this time around. Getting depressed and don't feel like digging through the HD, so I'm gonna watch some anime and hit the sack.