I went to the spectator drags last weekend at the local roundy-round. Lasted two round(final four) and got stopmed by a guy who launches his truck in 4WD them shifts to 2WD for the corners. The significance of this is that he kills everyone on the start and he's able to get such a lead that it's too hard to run him down. I might have had a chance if I'd borrowed some racing tires from someone, because I tried to walk the car off the line against him, but when I picked up the throttle, the wheels spun effortlessly. Then again it was fucking cold and my car does make ass-loads of torque, a poor combination in any book....
Hitting an autocross this sunday @LCC west. I think it's going to be a tight slow, short course, but what the hell.
I've told you all what an AWESOME show High School of the Dead is. My word is bond, bitches! Anyways, I'll just leave these here.
This posts catgirl is a bit risque, but I'm sure you won't mind.
I had to replace the heater core in my moms S10 Blazer this weekend and I knew it wasn't going to be a walk in the park, but I didn't expect this. I had to pull the entire dash assembly, the front fender, bumper, and grille, just to get to the HVAC stuff. And then that stuff fought me coming out. It was a fucking nightmare. 7.5 hours later, I still have the dash to put back. The dash was the worst part and I'm not looking forward to putting it back in. GM engineers and total fucking idiots. I saw several things that could've been done better and it would've even made the damn thing easier to assmeble. The major one is, if thay had put sort of dash wiring harness disconnect at either side of the dash, it would've saved a lot of time, as screwing with un-hooking the wiring took most of the time. They at least designed the dash so it can hang on a couple of pivot points so you can contort yourself around the dash to hook crap up wothout having to hold the dash in place. Anyways, I was going to rage a while here about this(this doesn't sound like raging, does it?), but I'm too tired at this point. I recovered well at the end of the day and have about 3 hours left tomorrow. Here's a copule of mid point photos. The new core is in the HVAC box and sitting on the floor.
Once I got to the heater core, it took about 5 minutes to change.......
Hot new work from Tomoe Kamiya!
And, of course, the obligatory catgirl!
What the hell, here's another for good measure. Peace, bitches!
The Ionia autocross was a blast! One of the funnest yet. The course was wide open and quite fast. It also had a cool elevation change in one part that we had to run both directions on and was a lot of fun to handle. On the return you'd have to turn as you got to the top of a rise and my car would get kinda squirly at that point. The track did have a lot of grit on it and it was old pavement to boot. This adds up to poor grip. Take a fast course, add my aggressive driving, a car making 427 ft lbs at the wheels, mix with dirty, old pavement and the outcome is one hell of a good time. I tried to make some good, clean runs, but as usual when I try I end up screwing up some part of the run, which kills my time. After I gave up wasting runs trying to log a fast run, I let it rip on the last two and had some fun. I nailed it pretty good on the last run, but there's this part going from the straight behind the granstands to a sweeper that drops down a bit and kept missing the drift around that corner. My initiation was clean, but I misjudged the cars slide and the rear end came around on me. Coming up the rise to the turn by the start, I nailed the slide perfectly and laid down a nice drift in front of the crowd. It's at the end of the sixth run on the video (at 5:53.00). Oh, look! Here it is!:
I'm closing in on my fourth week of the current semester(fuck yeah!, I'm a quarter of the way done already!) and everything is going spectacular. The Machine Control class, which I thought was going to be challenging is going smoothly(so far....) as are the other two classes.
I heard my former employer is looking for a driver, because their outside sales guy is going to Afganistan(he's a Marine.), so the manager is going out on the road and the dude I never liked is going to be the manager, aparently. If they had called me back, which means they'd have to pay more than what the driver job pays as well as covering the medical, so I know they won't because of that, I'd be tempted to tell them,
Of course, I can't do that if they were to call me back. I'd have to go, but it's cool since I know they never would. They better not!
Strike Witches Two is down to its last episode and this bums me out like mad crazy. I'm going to miss this show a lot. On a related note, Highschool of the dead is winding down as well. Just so you know, these two are the best of the season, and maybe the whole year. Luckily Witches has been picked up by Funi and is supposed to be released sometime in '11. Because of its popularity, I'm sure HOTD will be licensed soon. For your enjoyment, Saeko Busjima cosplay,
Do I love upskirts? Sure, just as much as any other normal hetero male. See?
Other than Highschool of the Dead, Strike Witches 2 is the only consistanly good show this season. Others have started out great(Asobi ni ikuyo!, Ookami-san girl who looks like Tigas older sister show), but then settled into mediocraty(?). Strike Witches doesn't aspire to be a legendary show. It is, however, funny, very entertaining, well written, and chock full of fan service. And it does this show after show. As you may have gleaned from other posts, Lynette Bishop is my favorite character. In episode 9 there was the obligatory beach trip arc. Most shows this is a tiresome cliqued thing, but it works with the Witches. Anyways, I was thrilled to be able to see Lynette is a swimsuit. Wouldn't you know it, the hottest girl gets saddled with a boring suit. It's just not right. 'Ya know?
Beach scene:
She would've looked way hotter in something like what Francesca (one in the middle) is wearing.
Unrelated, to the beach scene, but awesome nonetheless:
Tomorrow, Phantom Cat Motorsports is invading the West Mich. chapter of the Porsche Club of America's autocross at the Ionia Co. fairgrounds. Gonna be a blast!
I'm a cynical, sarcastic, harmelss sociophobe. I enjoy Drifting and love watching anime and reading manga, collecting female anime figures. No girlfriend and little chance of finding one(gee, I wonder why....)